In May of 2011, 2 of the biggest joys of the year occured, both of them being related to conventions. Of course, because the local anime club is fairly thrifty, we drove to San Jose. And road trips ALWAYS have inside stories that are only funny to the people that were on the trip. The ride to Fanime was no exception, even if there weren't many stories.
I was only present on the ride to San Jose, since I flew back. But what a time I had in the car. There were 4 people in the car, and it was a fairly long trip. So long, in fact, that we had to stay overnight in Laughlin, Nevada. The other people in the car ragged on me because they couldn't go through the casino because I wasn't 21. I just shrugged and told them, "Next year." Additionally, on the second day of driving, we almost got lost in Bakersfield, California, because everything looked exactly the same. Made me wonder what San Jose itself was going to be like.
Well, with the adventures that the trip had, there was no way that San Jose wouldn't have similar adventures. And, lo and behold, that first evening, we boarded the light rail the wrong way and had to wait for the next train to get back to the hotel. We never made THAT mistake again. And then I took a solo adventure at the convention, but I'll save that story for the next post.
Road trips definitely generate stories. I learned a few weeks later that the drive back from San Jose was equally entertaining, due in part to the giant foam leek one of the club members had bought. I also learned that, due to the size of said leek, it was sticking partway out the window. Man, I'd have killed to see that. Oh, well. I'm sure I'll get to take part in return trip shenanigans in 2012 or 2013. Provided that, y'know, the world doesn't end.
Yup, something has to be said of Bakersfield and Laughlin. I think this coming trip is going to be great as well.